Thursday, September 12, 2024

Busy summer but not for the Cumulus... , interior panels and hinges.

I made some CAD drawings to design the new interior panels.
Powerview helped me to CNC cut the panels.

Due to some repairs we had to remove the hinges from the elevator. 
The old nuts where secured by puncture, this meant the thread was damaged and no longer useful once the nut is removed. We had some new hinges made according to the original Grunau baby plans. 
They need some heat treatment and when this is finished they can be installed again inside the rudders. 

New fabric on the elevator, we are going for transparent look on all the rudders. 
This means working with the old toxic materials, good ventilation is necessary!


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Elevator and interior

in between the busy times at work and with the family I could do some small works on the project.

Still adapting the trailer

Johan finishing the elevator.

The wings are home!
Stript the wings to look at the woodwork.

It fits! only a few cm's to spare.

Making the instrument panel. Thanks Didier for your tools and skills!

Fits perfect.

First test in cardboard before making new aluminium panels

Johan almost finished the elevator, what a beauty!


Trailer and elevator.


Trailer modifications to fit the wings and fuselage.

The test to put the wings on opposite didn't work... had to start over. 

Johan working on the ailerons.

100 glue clamps 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Another Cumulus found in Southern Germany!

Christoph Kroll who already owns one of 3 airworthy Cumulus found another Cumulus.
Here are some pictures.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Controls and elevator

 Due to two weeks abroad for work and of course the holidays I couldn't do a lot this month.

Found an old picture in the archives of Harry.

Control stick and airbrake handle installed

Painted the hook release handle and canopy release.

new springs for the rudder paddels.

cables and turnbuckles installed 

Johan did some inspections and further repairs.

Most important linkage of the elevator.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Painted fuselage and progress on the rudders


At the welder repairing the missing and broken frame parts.

Fuselage powder coated at the factory

And safe at home!

Making some handle grips with the 3D printer.

Also for the control stick with push to talk

The dirty control connections ready for disassembly and clean up.

Everything cleaned up and ready to put in the fuselage again.

Johan repairing the directional rudder

Installing some extra support for more rigidness.

 On the horizontal stabilizer some bigger repairs are needed.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Work work work, a trailer, a wood work speed course and more work.

 The fuselage is totally stripped and Johan is checking the welds before it will get sandblasted.

In the mean while I bought a trailer to transport the Cumulus.
Had a good deal, for only 250€ I found a Ka6 trailer on segelflug. I had to drive to Baden-Baden for it (5h single), but it's better than making one. I would cost more and take a lot more time!

Some vintage gliders in the hanger at Baden-Oos, Grunau baby 2 , Ka2, Ka6.

The Cumulus being delivered to the company Vandermaesen in Tessendelo where it will be sandblasted and later powder coated.

Previous weekend and next weekend I will be following a basic coarse wood & fabric works organised by the VHZ (Vereniging Historische zweefvliegtuigen) this is a vintage gliding community from The Netherlands.

            These are my first wood repairs, learned a lot! Picture below my attempt of repairing a hole in a ka6 wing. Not perfect at all I know but, I was pleased with my first attempt 

Repairing ribs

Fuselage is sandblasted, Francis and I packed it up to transport it to the welder for some repairs.

We discovered there are some supporting beams missing. These will be replaced according to plan.

Johan is busy on the rudders, removing all the fabric and paint. Inspecting and repairing if necessary.
The 2 ailerons are finished and ready for new fabric, now the rudder is being stripped.

Busy summer but not for the Cumulus... , interior panels and hinges.

I made some CAD drawings to design the new interior panels. Powerview helped me to CNC cut the panels. Powerview  Due to some repairs we had...