Friday, October 6, 2023

The check up and first work.

I know... the glider was retrieved from the storage place in 2016. So why the long wait until the start of the restoration? Let us say building a house, having 2 kids and building my garage/workspace were the first things on the list. 

Before I start to work on the Cumulus I want to be sure it's worth all the effort.
A master/guru in Belgium if it comes to wooden gliders is Johan Kieckens, and it just happens to be that Johan is a good friend of Harry. 😄 Here Johan is inspecting the wings and fuselage.
The one on the ground is the original left wing with water damage.

Inspection of the metal tubing.

First assembly since 1967-8?

A test assembly with the left wing of the "baby cham", with just a small margin but it fits!

After the inspection and assembly Johan gives a GO! Let's work! 😄
Johan offert to help me by renovating all the rudders, in the mean time I will take care of the fuselage.

Moving the fuselage to my garage, Harry ready for the trip!

Bringing the rudders to Johan, they just fit inside the van.

Johan in his "mancave"

Fuselage being stripped

Some lost and found in the fuselage

Almost done!

Johan working on the ailerons

The aileron from the Babycham is in very good condition and only needs new fabric.
The original one is glued with casein glue and needs to be taken apart and glued back together.

Inside the aileron of the babycham, looks like new!


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